Celtic Handfastings & Ceremonies

Celebrate your love for each other with this ancient Celtic tradition where couples would be literally ‘bound’ together in a sacred ceremony to signify their betrothal.
We offer a tailor made Handfasting ceremony as an alternative or addition to a modern wedding ceremony.
A chance to declare your love for one another privately or with a large party.
We offer a traditional Celtic ceremony (initiated by a full trained sacred celebrant) complete with handfasting, Jumping the Besom (broom) or a Wedding Celebration that is tailored to your requirements and tastes.
We offer our ceremonies on our Croft land in Badcall Bay or our Sacred Celebrant will happily travel to perform this union at any destination of your discretion.
Traditional Celtic Handfasting

Ceremonial Work
Ceremonies are sacred rituals to connect our Souls to the wider consciousness we call ‘Spirit’. These sacred enactments are a way to connect with nature and Spirit, heal ourselves and others and serve the community, land and nature.
Here are some examples of ceremonies we can create either here on our land or at a venue of your choice.
Fire and Water ceremonies for various intents such as giving thanks, letting go, calling in and honouring.
Plant Medicine Ceremonies for example Cacao and Mugwort.
Rites of passage ceremonies.
Seasonal ceremonies such as Summer Solstice, Samhain and Beltane.